Current as of February 2019
CalConnect holds three regular CalConnect Conferences each year. These events are generally held the first full week of February, June, and October, but may be shifted a week or two either way at the convenience of the host or to avoid collision with other events of importance to CalConnect members.
CalConnect Conferences are four days, generally either Monday-Thursday of a week, or Tuesday-Friday of a week.
Occasionally a separate event such as a Codefest or Workshop might be scheduled in the free Monday or Friday of a CalConnect week if acceptable to the host; these are usually public events and may not require a fee (or provide any catering services).
CalConnect may also hold special events such as Workshops or "Meet CalConnect" invitational events completely separate from its regularly scheduled CalConnect Events when necessary.
In the past, CalConnect held separate Interoperabiity Test Events, either in a single week divided between the test event and the conference, or as a completely separeate event; testing is now incorporated into the regular CalConnect Conferences and is generally not a separate event.
A non-member may be an Observer at a single CalConnect Conference to determine whether they wish to join.
Logistics information for each coming event is provided as early as possible after a prospective host agrees to a location and dates. As the event gets nearer, schedules and topical agendas and registration links will be posted.
Information about specific upcoming events may be found linked from the sidebar for this page, and on the home page. The logistics information for all past events can also be found linked from the sidebar from this page.
Information about how to register and pay for a CalConnect Conference may be found at Registration and Payment Options. This page is also linked from each logistics page.
Following each CalConnect Event, a report of the Conference is posted to CalConnect Conference Reports.