CalConnect CalendarFest 2021 📆🎉 (Autumn 2021)

CalendarFest is a novel (virtual) event, which wants to let users and developers of (electronic) calendar applications, servers, and related groupware systems, share experiences and discuss novel ideas.
CalendarFest will take place 18th of October, 02:30h PM UTC virtually via Zoom, and is held in conjunction with the CalConnect virtual conference.
The goal of CalendarFest, which is held in conjunction with the CalConnect Virtual Conference, is to provide an interdisciplinary discussion space for current topics in electronic calendaring from different perspectives.
Participation at CalendarFest will be free for presenters of accepted talks. Other participants need to register for a small organizational fee, which also allows for participation at the “colocated” CalConnect Virtual Conference.
Via Zoom. URL and access credentials will be provided to all registered attendees before the Virtual Conferencess.
Test Event Schedule
To be announced.
Conference Schedule
Abstracts for the talks are available on a sub page (see sidebar)
Event starts 02:30h PM UTC
Introduction to CalendarFest and agenda
Short self-introduction of participants
Session: Novel ideas in calendaring
Ben Fortuna: Novel applications of iCalendar (how two additional properties open up the possibilities)
Carlota AntĂłn: Rethinking a calendar
Short break
Session: Calendar clients and servers
Johannes Raggam: The calendaring infrastructure in Plone
Tobias Brox: On calendar servers and caldav compatibility
Wrap up
Discussion and Outlook
End of the Event: 05:30h UTC
Accepted talks
CalConnect launched a call for contributions for CalendarFest 2021. The following talks have been accepted.
Ben Fortuna: Novel applications of iCalendar (how two additional properties open up the possibilities)
Abstract: iCalendar has long been associated with the interoperability of calendar and groupware applications. The introduction of new iCalendar specifications (including RFC9073) could be instrumental in the adoption of interoperability standards in a broader range of applications
Ben Fortuna joined the Calendaring conversation in 2004 when he released iCal4, a Java implementation of iCalendar. Ben is motivated by a desire for greater interoperability with communications technologies, as he believes this is essential for the protection of fundamental human rights. Ben holds a Master of Information Systems and is currently working as a Cloud Solutions Architect for a large Australian telco.
Carlota AntĂłn: Rethinking a calendar
Design thinking applied to improving the user experience of calendar apps. Connecting with the user and making digital calendars more tangible.
Carlota AntĂłn is a Product Designer based in Madrid. She has 7 years of experience in the design field and is currently focused on visual and interaction design as well as accessibility.
Johannes Raggam: The calendaring infrastructure in Plone
Abstract: The calendaring infrastructure of the Open Source CMS Plone is built around the iCalendar RFC5545 standard including recurring events and has full timezone support using the Olson database. This lightning talk gives an technical overview of our implementation, the challenges we were facing and an outlook about our future plans.
Johannes Raggam is a long time Plone core contributor, former Plone framework team member and the main author behind plone.app.event, the calendaring package for Plone. He works at Syslab.com and helps building the intranet software Quaive, which is built upon the CMS framework Plone.
Tobias Brox: On calendar servers and caldav compatibility
Abstract: As the maintainer of the python caldav (client) library I’ve been writing lots of functional test code - while it has helped me finding standard compliance bugs in the library, more often than not the problem is at the server side. Actually, I haven’t found a single calendar server out there that passes the full test suite. In this talk I’m going to highlight some of the most common compatibility problems, some of the more exotic ones, some servers that seems to be devolving their standard support, and talk a bit about some of the workarounds done in the library. In the end I hope there will be time for someone in the audience to explain to me that I’m all wrong, and that all the problems are on the library side. After all, I can easily fix library side problems.
About Tobias: I learned programming from my granddad in the 80s. I didn’t want to work with IT since that was anyway my hobby, so I was studying physics in the arctic Norway in the 90s. I realized that IT is the only thing I’m good at, so I’ve been working with development, system administration (DevOps) and Open Source software since 1998. I’ve been working in the computer gaming industry (FunCom), online gambling industry (NordicBet/TrioBet), and now I’m working for an IT consulting company (Redpill Linpro). I’ve never been working professionally with calendaring systems, it’s just a side project.