Special Focus

CalConnect Announces VCARD Technical Committee

A new Technical Committee, VCARD, has been formed to extend the VCARD standards.  VCARD today essentially supports only North American and Western Europe address formats; the goal of the VCARD Technical Committee is to support address formats for the rest of the world, and offer new capabilities and exchange methods.  The committee will also consider security aspects as related to VCARD data and the exchange of VCARDs. 


CalConnect Announces TESTER Technical Committee

A new Technical Committee, TC TESTER, has been formed to improve testing tools  for CalDAV and CardDAV.  The TC is building on the CalDAV Tester from the Apple Darwin site, making it less vendor-specific and defining smaller sets of tests to target specific features, provide a quick regression test, or allow exclusion or inclusion of individual tests. New tests can then be developed in parallel with the creation or extension of standards.  A  long term possibility could be to evolve the new tools into a reference client for CalDAV and CardDAV servers.

CalDAV and CardDAV Protocol/Implementations Websites Superceded

For some time CalConnect has supported two protocol and implementation oriented sites, caldav.calconnect.org and carddav.calconnect.org.  These sites provides some information about the protocols themselves but their primary purpose has been to list implementations of the protocols (client, server, libraries, services).   As the non-implementation sections of these sites duplicate information available elswehere, CalConnect has migrated the implementations information to the CalDAV and CardDAV sections of

New Chair of TC CHAIRS

I'm honored to announce that as of yesterday, September 26th 2016, Thomas Schäfer of 1&1 is the new Chair of TC CHAIRS. The Chair of TC Chairs has a central role in coordinating and progressing our work. Thomas takes over this role from Cyrus Daboo. On behalf of all members, my gratitude goes out to Cyrus who has served as chair for all but two years since 2006. In 2013 Cyrus received the CalConnect Distinguished Service Award, also for his work as chair.

CalConnect Revises Membership Categories and Dues, Event Fees

In April 2013 we introduced the emergent vendor category for aspiring members. The introduction met our objectives, which were to encourage membership and to increase participation at CalConnect events. There are now 11 members who went through or are in these categories. Nevertheless, there is room for further improvement. One side of those improvements concerns the fee structure. We have made the fee structure simpler and updated membership and conference fees.

Emergent Vendor Categories

Announcing the CalConnect Calendaring Developer's Guide

CalConnect has recently published its new Calendaring Developer’s Guide as a read-only wiki at http://devguide.calconnect.org.  

We have created an initial outline of topics that we expect will be of value, and added content for a subset of them such as creating a simple event, together with examples.  At this point we feel the Guide has enough content to be published and useful, but it is still incomplete.

Timezone Technical Committee closed; work program completed

The CalConnect TIMEZONE Technical Committee was originally chartered to develop problem statements and recommendations for managing time zone data in iCalendar, and recommendations for a TIMEZONE Registry and TIMEZONE service.  The TC was reactivated in 2007 to develop the Time Zone Data Distribution Service specification, and to help progress it to a standard.